A tale of two customer services - As businesses become virtual, it is not only necessary to ensure that customers have good experience during pre-buying and buying but post-buying as well.…
#coachPosts under "coach"
Lessons I learned from IPL - While corporate business and cricket are different domains, IPL has brought them together. Here are some lessons for corporates from IPL.…
#coach , #insights , #winsInspiring Managers - I've been lucky, at least officially. Right from the start of my career, I've worked with some of the best minded managers. Each of them have inspired me to be a 'little' better person.…
#coachDon’t throw away your opportunity - Call it 'unfair', but life never presents an opportunity in a golden plate.…
#coachFreelancer or a consultant? - Considering that I'm my own boss but work from client site, should I call myself as a freelance consultant?…
#coachWhat do customers want? - Companies should spend their resources on improving customer's experience at every point of contact - be it marketing, sales, delivery or post-sales support.…
#coachStanding on giants - Motivation is a big part in getting through tough challenges. Drawing inspiration from others can help.…
#coachSimply better entertainer - A category entertainer from Tamil Nadu…
#coachWhat is your learning model? - My learning model is of two layers - a core layer, domains in which I want to be an expert and a support layer, domains which will help me to practice my expertise effectively.…
#coach , #sdlFour Lessons I Learned While Working For A Cardiac Surgeon - Four lessons I learned while developing an IT system for a cardiac surgeon.…
#coach , #insightsShould You Run That Extra Mile to Make a Sale? - Customer is king, is a mantra that Sales team lives by. But there are times we need to differentiate between bad customer service and annoying customer demands.…
#coach , #startup , #sales3 Core Requirements For A Happy-path Project Life - For a happy-path project life-cycle, its essential to have a well defined support structures in place. Without these structures, there won't be any life in the cycle.…
#coach , #visualSmart People Ask For Help - You don't have to sweat it alone. Be smart and seek other's help…
#coach , #insightsHow To Be Effective As A New Manager? - Five tips to get you started as a new manager.…
#coachTechnology is Powerful; But Its Not The Panacea - Interview with Ranjan Varma, who is tapping the internet to create financial products for common man to use.…
#coach , #interviewBook Review – A Game Plan For Life by John Wooden - If you wish to be mentored by a meaningful life, pick up this book.…
#books , #wins , #self , #coachQuotable quotes from 'A Game Plan For Life' by John Wooden - Quotes I liked from A Game Plan For Life.…
#books , #wins , #coach , #parentingLessons In Consulting - Consulting is the only profession where you are paid to learn on the job. It is exciting as well as frightening. But if you got a right mind-set, there is no other profession like consulting.…
#coach , #insightsStarting a Startup is Like an Itch - Interview with Vivek, co-founder of InterviewStreet.…
#coach , #interview , #startupSeven Business Trends to Watch in India - What are the future trends in emerging markets?…
#coach , #opinionSODAS - A Simple Problem Solving Methodology - Introducing a simple problem solving methodology.…
#problem-solving , #coach , #visualBeware of Cloning Best Practices - It is regretful that consulting profession is crowded with sheeps in lion's cloth.…
#coachWe Don't Need More; We Need Better - More of the same only produces more of the same results. Nothing improves.…
#coach , #startupDocumenting Your Decisions - Always document the context of a decision. You'll be surprised how this one activity can improve your decision making capability in the long term.…
#coach , #sdl , #problem-solving , #wins , #insights , #decisionmakingCustomer Service Is Sales - If you deliver superb customer service consistently, you will get repeat customers.…
#coach , #startup , #salesHow To Get The Feedback That You Deserve - Obtaining feedback is critical to designing products that stand the test of time. But getting meaningful feedback isn't easy.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsHow The Damn Google Spoiled My Career - Degradation of brain power was gradual; but its impact after years later is telling.…
#coachHow Your Attitude Impacts Your Career Growth? - Your attitude determines the limits of your career.…
#coachNo, I'm Developing A Product - Say the solo-ISV prayer to focus on the essentials.…
#coach , #startupFocus On What Matters Or Sleep Alone - If you are an independent software developer, there is only one metric to measure & improve.…
#coach , #startupWhat an Indie Developer Expects From Apple - At WWDC, Apple introduced improvements aimed at both users and developers. But it has to improve its 'doing business' part.…
#coach , #startup , #techStartups And Security - An interview with Sastry, a serial entrepreneur about balancing speed in bringing a product to market and sufficiently securing it.…
#coach , #interview , #securityIf Church Can Reinvent Itself, Why Can't Companies? - Despite doom-sayers, the Church has survived thousands of years because it reinvented. Why can't companies survive the changing environment?…
#coach , #startup , #faithDo Credentials Matter? - One's credentials do not guarantee success; it's their attitude that makes or breaks a venture.…
#coach , #sdl , #wins , #insightsWhen To Listen To Your Critics? - You better listen to critics. But not when you ideate.…
#coach , #startup , #insights , #gwradioPeople Aren't Potatoes - Treating people as replaceable commodities is an antiquated idea. It is time to bury the idea.…
#coach , #startupBig Ideas From Peter Theil - Seven big challenging ideas from Peter Theil, Paypal founder…
#coach , #startup , #insightsParanoid is ok; Paralysis is not ok - As I build my new company, I will find myself in novel situations. I may become uncertain, nervous and sweaty. Yet, never should I become paralysed. It will destroy everything I build.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsFive Insights From Successful Indian Entrepreneurs - Inspiration from those who ran before me.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsInsights From Startup Expo @ ISB, Mohali - A crash course on everything startups need to know.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsWant to make doing business in India easy? Start with incorporation - If starting a business in India has to improve, the entire process should be studied and simplified.…
#coach , #startupSurviving hard times - Notes from interactive session at TiE, Chandigarh with Mahavir Sharma, Serial Entrepreneur & Trustee, TiE, Global…
#coach , #startup , #insightsEntrepreneurship is a metamorphosis, not a baptism - When I was an employee, I used to think that being an entrepreneur is much like an employee, only with added responsibilities. Now that I am an entrepreneur, I realize how foolish I was.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsNotes from Lean Startup Session by TiE, Chandigarh - Key component of a startup is the feedback loop…
#coach , #startup , #tiechdWhat I learned in a year as an entrepreneur - Three lessons I learned in a year as an entrepreneur…
#startup , #coachMy Itches, My Ventures - Is Paul Graham right? Is scratching your own itch the best way to build a product? I'm sure to find the answer soon.…
#startup , #coachVideo To Watch-Ideas are easy, execution is everything by John Doerr - John Doerr, venture capitalist, talks about the next big things and how to identify great ventures…
#coach , #startupWhen quantity trumps quality? - As a consumer, I prefer quality; as a maker, I prefer quantity.…
#coach , #systems , #bloggingHow to improve project delivery in an IT services company? - How do you take a mid-size IT service company into its next level?…
#coach , #systemsWhere there is vision, people prosper - World is a better place because of definite optimists. Their vision continues to prosper the world.…
#wins , #coachNotes from NASSCOM Annual Technology Conference - 2016 - My notes from the annual NASSCOM Technology conference , 2016.…
#coach , #techLittle Talents - If you are faithful in small things, you will become master of great many things…
#coach , #faithBook Notes - Industries of the future by Alec Ross - Fields of next decade are-robotics, genetics, digital commerce, cyber-security, and big data. Countries that choose open systems will attract future industries.…
#books , #coach , #visualWhat I learned as a CTO - A self-reflective post about what each letter of the job title CTO means to me.…
#guest-post , #coach , #tech , #visualNotes from day 1 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017 - TiECon Chandigarh 2017 is a two-day conference focused on the theme of 'Entrepreneurship in times of change'. These are my notes from Day 1.…
#coach , #startup , #sdl , #tiechdNotes from day 2 of TiECon Chandigarh 2017 - TiECon Chandigarh 2017 is a two-day conference focused on the theme of 'Entrepreneurship in times of change'. These are my notes from Day 2.…
#coach , #startup , #sdl , #tiechdAn awesome tip from Jack Ma & Derek Sivers to build your career - Should you specialize in a single technology or learn as many business functions as I could learn? Let us find what Jack Ma & Derek Sivers have to say.…
#coachThe curse of EVERYTHING and NOW on building your career - Successful business-men advice you to learn as many business functions as you can learn. But you should be aware of a mental trap that comes with it.…
#coach , #sdl11 Lives to Build a Rich Career - You take about 7 years to master a skill. You can continue to learn new skills to build a rich and valuable career.…
#coach , #wins , #visualGuest lecture on entrepreneurship at Christ College, Bangalore - I love talking to college students about entrepreneurship. Recently, I spoke to MCA students of Christ College, Bangalore.…
#talks , #startup , #coachWhat small IT businesses can learn from Mary Meeker's trends report - Since 2001, Mary Meeker has been releasing annual internet trends report. This year report is full of insights that small IT business can use.…
#coach , #insights , #winsThree stages of startups and how to chose tech-stack for each of them - Startups can be classified into three stages as per their life-cycle. Here I present guidelines on choosing a tech-stack for each of these stages.…
#coach , #talks , #startupCyber Security for Women - Women are the change makers. Even in cyber-security they will lead the change.…
#coach , #talks , #securityIntroduction to machine learning - Democratization of machine learning will create amazing products and services for us. Let us understand what it is.…
#coach , #techThe Future of Jobs Is Partnership of Experts - We will collaborate to create and capture value. Are you ready for the change?…
#coachMastering sales as a new CTO - Prepare, Perform, and Probe is a three-stage approach that can help new chief technology officers to master and excel in sales.…
#coach , #salesHow to deliver value in the digital age? - In the digital era, the software is the business. What skills are needed to thrive in this era?…
#coach , #tech , #talksAgile in the C-Suite - This is the best of times and worst of times to be a CXO. Here is my story of how I am learning to be a CXO using agile principles.…
#coach , #talksVideo - 3 Daily Needs - We all need something to look up to, another to look forward to, and another is someone to chase.…
#coach , #video , #speech , #visualHow to think structurally? - Learning how to think is the best intellectual asset you can build for yourself. Here is one framework to help you.…
#coach , #sdl , #frameworks , #systems , #wins , #insightsSafari - A digital library for your career growth - Safari Online is a digital library for CXOs that has e-books, case studies, learning paths, and much more.…
#sdl , #coach , #consumeWhat I learned about leadership from the book 'Lead like Jesus' - Leadership is holistic. Leaders should lead with humility and confidence.…
#sdl , #books , #consume , #coachVideo - Truth About Passive Income & Financial Freedom - Focus on building financial confidence, not financial freedom. When you have financial confidence, you can generate 4 types of income.…
#coach , #wealth , #videoAbstractions are useful, if you know the context - All abstractions are useful within a context. This is true in life as much as in technology.…
#tech , #coach , #insights , #winsSeven tips to writing fantastic blog posts regularly - Lessons I learned on this topic from a decade of blogging.…
#coach , #sdl , #bloggingThriving with WINS - To thrive in a changing world, you need to have a framework of your own. Here I propose one.…
#coach , #wins , #frameworks , #flywheelWhy Indian developers struggle to write quality code and what can be done about it? - Let us go beyond the surface-level symptoms to identify fundamental problems.…
#coachAre you a Rowan? - If do the thing, you will have less competition.…
#coachImportance of quality in global competition - My Talk at Chandigarh Management Association about import of quality in global competition…
#talks , #coachDon't chase goals. Do this instead - Not only achieve your goal but retain the outcome…
#frameworks , #coachDelightful Customer Experience in a Highway Restaurant - The more you interact with your customers, you will understand them more.…
#coach , #sales , #experienceHow to choose technology for your business growth - Your business will follow crawl, walk, run stages. Each stage will use different technologies.…
#talks , #coachMicrosoft still competes on price, not on customer obsession. - My short lived enthusiasm with Microsoft OneDrive…
#coach , #techLife is series of lost, found, and lucky breaks - Get lost with your experiments so you can find your lucky breaks…
#coach , #systems , #luckCan geeks delight? - An eye for detail, a heart for your customers, and an unmercenary business model is all you need to build a remarkable business.…
#coach , #salesHow I'm dealing with isolation during covid - Create a sense of togetherness and a purpose, to get through difficult times.…
#coach , #tiechd , #parenting , #networkingBusiness and personal branding during crisis - Never waste a crisis.…
#coachI made mistakes - Everyone talks about their achievements. Tell me some of the mistakes you made.…
#coachThe Optimal Way to Respond to Uncertainty: Lessons from COVID and Beyond - Learn how determinant optimism can help senior leaders and entrepreneurs navigate uncertainty. Adapt smarter strategies to thrive during challenging times.…
#coach , #frameworks , #luckPower in your hands - The phone you have is more powerful than the computer that launched a man into the moon. What are you doing with that power?…
#startup , #coachHow to find trends in your industry - Internet is an open gold mine if you know how to use it.…
#coach , #startup , #wins , #insightsBuilding a career amidst a pandemic - New ways of building a career are emerging. Take advantage of them.…
#coach , #talksBuild on the rock for the storms are surely coming - You can't predict when the storms will come. Better build your life on a rock than sand.…
#wins , #luck , #wealth , #coachThe dichotomy of contentment and ambition - The answer is not or, but a curious combination of both.…
#coach , #winsPrinciples trump processes - If you want to last longer in a field with respect, focus on fundamental principles governing it…
#wins , #insights , #coachOne decision instead of hundred decisions - Lead decisions remove cognitive frictions so we can play at optimal speed and effectiveness.…
#wins , #coach , #frameworks , #insights , #decisionmakingHow to avoid failures with thirty percent feedback? - Nail the overall strategy before scaling an idea…
#wins , #frameworks , #insights , #coach , #visualImpact of digital technologies in breaking barriers - Digital technology is subverting hierarchies…
#talks , #coach , #techStones for locals, crowns for others - Be vocal for local…
#coachLanguage Shapes Your World - Learn more than one language, to carve a better worldview…
#coach , #insightsCustomer Experience Is A Leaf, Not A Trunk - If a company focuses on CX to the exclusion of sound business model, there may not be a company anymore…
#talks , #coach , #experienceWriting my obituary - When we have an end in mind, we can live a potent life rather than a palatable one…
#wins , #self , #coachOn Meetings - Few things I learned about meetings…
#coachBuilding In Public, Jeff Bezos Style - You can learn a lot if you read Amazon's shareholder letters…
#coach , #wealth , #wins , #frameworks , #flywheelAre you principled or just plain stupid? - We are all hypocrites. Only degree varies.…
#coach , #wins , #selfThink clearly about your venture with P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework - Get clarity before you launch your new venture…
#startup , #coach , #wins , #frameworksWhat can we learn from China? - Imitate masters. Discover Yourself. Innovate to become a master.…
#wins , #coach , #branding , #gwshowGaming as a mental model for successful business - All mental models are wrong, but some are more useful than others. Looking at a company/product/service via a gaming lens may not be a comprehensive model, but it is a useful model.…
#coach , #frameworks , #startupChecklist For Evaluating Startups - Before investing in a startup, I ask these questions which are based on PASTOR framework…
#coach , #startup , #frameworksYour answer is not under a streetlight - Once you understand the Streetlight Effect, you'll see it everywhere. Why, you might even suffer from it.…
#coach , #startup , #systemsBuilding Your Career - Apple Or Amazon Way - Take a suitable business model and mimic to build your career…
#coach , #frameworks , #gwradioWhat Are The Top Leadership Challenges? - All leadership challenges can be boiled down to just two…
#coach , #winsWhat Studying For Exams Taught Me About Decision Making - If we take process-driven decisions, in the long term, we get better results…
#wins , #coach , #decisionmakingFactors affecting the outcome of our decisions - Most of us have a simplified image of the connection between our decisions and results. We think we make decisions and we get results. It is far from reality.…
#coach , #wins , #decisionmakingSurgery Is Successful, Patient Is Dead - In the absence of an accompanying goal, a system is meaningless.…
#coach , #wins , #systemsBuilding a personal flywheel - Understanding the power of the flywheel is essential for building a successful career or business.…
#biz , #wins , #coach , #flywheel , #frameworksIdeas Don't Matter, If You Don't Act - The ideas that changed my life are those that I took action. Even a small action.…
#coach , #wins , #gwradioWhat can super-chickens and system thinking tell us about building a hyper-performing team? - Superstars don't bring success.…
#systems , #wins , #coachTrends As A Guide To The Future - Trends are early indicators of the future. Embracing a trend is embracing the future.…
#coach , #winsFuture Doesn't Happen To Us, Future Happens Because Of Us - If you don't know what is coming, how can you prepare? If you are not prepared, how can you spot the opportunities?…
#coach , #winsCulture is what you do, not what you believe - What the book 'What You Do Is Who You Are' means to me…
#books , #coachHow To Gain From Insights - To be profitable, an idea must be both correct and contrarian. And you've to hold it for long.…
#wins , #biz , #coachWhat Is Gravitas, Anyway? - What are the factors contributing to executive presence?…
#wins , #coachGreat Leaders Are Invisible - What makes a leader great and two example of such quality…
#coach , #wins , #gwradioWill A Chatbot Take Away My Job? - Don't be afraid of losing job because of technology. Automation and new technology will create more opportunity for you.…
#wins , #biz , #coach , #gwradioMohan Mathew on 'Management Consulting' - What is management consulting, how to thrive in management consulting, what are the best and worst part of consulting?…
#coach , #gwradioThemed Days - My Productivity Secret - Build a virtuous loop of progress, which builds so much joy, which, in turn, makes you more productive…
#coach , #wins , #productivityThree Types Of Goals You Should Set - 'Be' goals drive 'do' goals which manifests in 'have' goals…
#productivity , #wins , #coachThree types of mistakes leaders keep making - All mistakes are tactical or behavioral or psychological mistakes…
#wins , #coachEmmy Sobieski on 'I'd far rather be lucky than smart' - Life and career lessons from Emmy Sobieski who worked with four billionaires.…
#wins , #coach , #gwradio , #luckGreen grass stain on Steve Jobs' shoes - Are you obsessing over the right things?…
#wins , #self , #coach , #productivityWhat's In A Name? Everything - When I finally understood that great quote by Dale Carnegie on the significance of name...…
#coach , #networking , #winsIs there a 'pause' time on your calendar? - Pausing is good for the heart, business, and life…
#wins , #speech , #coachRanjitha Jeurkar on 'Nonviolent Communication' - Are we becoming polarized because we are not talking to people who are different from us? Or is it because we are polarized, we don't talk to people who are different from us? In either of the cases, talking to people so as to understand their point of view is important.…
#gwradio , #coach , #winsWho gets your reward - Bore or Firefighter? - You get what you reward - Steven Covey…
#wins , #coachHow to amortize your efforts in producing content? - If you say, 'I know I have to create content but I don't have time for it', this post is for you.'…
#wins , #produce , #coachUbellah Maria on 'Transitioning from developer to manager' - Mindset shift needed to go from maker to multiplier and other important points for first-time managers…
#coach , #gwradioShresth Shrivastav on 'Thrive In Gig Economy' - When you become a freelancer, you don't have to lose out on the benefits...…
#coach , #gwradioMunish Jauhar on 'Building a business from a tier-2 city' - What would we need to build a successful business from every city in India?…
#gwradio , #biz , #coachGo faster with a structure to success - Create a life of meaning and contribution by uncovering structure behind success.…
#wins , #coach , #systemsLeadership is seen, felt, and heard - What I have learned from the Ukrainian president…
#wins , #coach5 elements of magnetic company culture - Everyone talks about building a great company culture; but what are the ingredients of such a culture?…
#biz , #coach , #visual52 Checkpoints . 6 Questions . Fulfilled Life - How to get 52 chances to increase your chances of succeeding in goals?…
#productivity , #coach , #winsHave you changed your mind lately? - When the world changes, it is risky to rely on an outdated view of the world.…
#coach , #winsLeaders should read literature - Literature helps us see the world in all its dimensions…
#coach , #winsFirst bullets. Then Cannonballs - Conduct low-cost, low-risk, low-distraction experiments before concentrating all resources into a big bet…
#wins , #luck , #coachRise with the rising tide - It is easier to ride to success on a raising wave rather than creating a wave yourself…
#luck , #wins , #coachDo you have a best friend at work? - Shoudn't we have best friends at work if we spend most of our waking time there?…
#wins , #coachAre you chasing success or status? - I would rather succeed with a small team than be proud of managing a large one and failing…
#wins , #coachMap is not the territory - Maps are imperfect representation of reality but serves a useful function…
#wins , #coach , #frameworksLong gap between cup and lip - Three things you need to make your dream a reality…
#coach , #wins , #visualWork, Life, and Fun is a flywheel not a balance - Add to life what generates energy and remove what drains it…
#wins , #coach , #flywheel , #visualAre you a monk, lotus, or salt in handling problems? - Most of us are a mix of the three.…
#wins , #coachInnovation models of John F Kennedy and Nehru - Lay foundations for the future. Take advantage of those foundations too.…
#wins , #systems , #coachSeason and situation for every advice - You need specific idea not a generic one…
#wins , #coach , #insightsWho are you chasing? - When we constantly run on the treadmill of comparison, we work under pressure and live without leisure, making our everyday lives constant torture.…
#coach , #winsAre we even looking at the same thing? - Looking at the same scene and coming to a different insight from others…
#coach , #insights , #wins , #visualHow to strengthen your career prospects at mid-career? - Our careers give us with a great deal of satisfaction. Mid-career is the right time to reflect and reshape the career.…
#wins , #coachHow to slow down attrition? Keep an eye on what employees need. - It is lazy thinking to say that employees only want fat salaries.…
#coach , #experienceWrong way to assemble the best car - Don’t look for best parts. Optimize the interactions between the parts.…
#coach , #systemsHow the Bible shaped my thinking? - If a book doesn’t change your mindset you have wasted your money in buying it and time in reading it.…
#faith , #insights , #coachDo you have a board of advisors? - You should have a board of advisors for the same reasons that a CEO has one.…
#gwradio , #coachNo hobby is an island - There are no boundaries between hobbies and work, no doors between personal and professional lives.…
#gwradio , #coachYou don't gain anything by reading books - Take one idea. Make it your own. Better than speed-reading 52 books a year.…
#coachXavier Roy on 'Personal knowledge management for career growth' - We are in a knowledge economy. Why are we not talking about managing knowledge?…
#gwradio , #coach'Carving a unique career path' with Meenakshi S, Practice Head - How to build a career that matches your skill set…
#gwradio , #coach , #winsIan Heaton on 'Listening leaders are effective leaders' - Three core pillars of listening, tools, being assertive while a great listener, and much more...…
#coach , #gwradioBranding, channels, and market penetration - Talk at IDE bootcamp as part of Startup India event…
#talks , #coach , #startupKrishna Kumar N on 'Power of storytelling in business' - Storytelling enabled KK to shape sales and marketing efforts in a South African company and land him on LinkedIn's first Creator program in India.…
#gwradio , #coach , #winsTransition from Employee to Successful Solopreneur: A Short Guide - Learn how to transition from an employee to a successful solopreneur with this comprehensive guide. Discover mindset shifts, business strategies, and tips for attracting work.…
#coach , #bizGaurav Aggarwal on 'How to sell on Amazon US from India' - Taking advantage of the Internet to explore new businesses…
#gwradio , #coach , #bizTamanna Sharma on 'Your Roadmap To A Career In Data Science' - In order to thrive in the field of Data Science, you need a lot more than just Python and statistics knowledge.…
#gwradio , #coach , #wins , #careerManish Verma on 'How Angel Investors Think?' - If India has to grow, we need lot of startups and angel investors to fund them. Let us find out how these investors think.…
#gwradio , #coach , #winsSnowballs not slot-machines - build things that compound, that give you advantages…
#biz , #wins , #coach , #flywheel , #frameworks , #visualTypes of teachers and coaches (applicable to managers too) - The best teachers don't just transfer skills, they're interested in overall development.…
#sdl , #coachIf I play good cricket, I don't need PR - Play your best game, focus on what matters, and impress your wife..…
#coachEmbracing GenAI: A Three Point Guide to Thriving in the Age of GenAI - Discover how to navigate the AI revolution with confidence. Learn from 30 years of tech experience on adapting to change, avoiding common pitfalls, and turning disruption into opportunity.…
#aieconomy , #career , #coachConfidence is the first step to having a life you need - Act with confidence even when there's a big gap between what you can offer and what's being asked.…
#insights , #coach , #actionSmaller Goals Made My Life Bigger - Ditching Big Hairy Audacious Goals for smaller, personal ambitions led to a life of true joy, authenticity, and fulfillment. Small goals, big life!…
#productivity , #coachHabits with high rate of returns - small, foundational, high value habits from the author of "Atomic Habits"…
#productivity , #coach , #selfThe Power of Specific Feedback: How to Guide Your Team to Real Improvement - Vague feedback leads to frustration and wasted effort. Learn how clear, specific guidance can help your team improve efficiently and effectively.…
#coach , #action