Until everything gets better - Don't wait for all things to get better; cherish your life, here and now.…
#insightsPosts under "insights"
Life’s little lessons - Three of the best life lessons…
#insightsLessons I learned from IPL - While corporate business and cricket are different domains, IPL has brought them together. Here are some lessons for corporates from IPL.…
#coach , #insights , #winsWords that changed my life - The words that brough magic into my life.…
#insightsA new way to read books - Read your favorite book via email…
#insightsDon't Despise Little Beginnings - Long before an achievement comes to light, somewhere there is a small step. Don't ignore it.…
#insights , #gwradioFour Lessons I Learned While Working For A Cardiac Surgeon - Four lessons I learned while developing an IT system for a cardiac surgeon.…
#coach , #insightsHow To Be A Champion And Remain One? - Becoming a champion is a three stage process. It is not a step-by-step process; these three stages may be present in varying degrees in the journey.…
#sdl , #wins , #insightsSmart People Ask For Help - You don't have to sweat it alone. Be smart and seek other's help…
#coach , #insightsHow to Ask For Help and Get It? - We recognize that with little help we can make a head-way. But out of inhibition, we do not ask for help. If you are suffering because you do not ask for help, here are five insights to help you.…
#problem-solving , #insightsWhat We Need Is Integrated Thinking. Not Polarized Perspectives - In our proclivity for quick closure, we simplify and settle on one side of the camp.…
#insightsLessons In Consulting - Consulting is the only profession where you are paid to learn on the job. It is exciting as well as frightening. But if you got a right mind-set, there is no other profession like consulting.…
#coach , #insightsAre You Unlearning? - Most learning is true within its context. When that context changes, are you prepared to unlearn?…
#insights , #sdlIt's Not A Blog, It's A Book - How Guy Kawasaki's advice changed my blogging practice.…
#blogging , #insightsBuild An Ecosystem For Learning - I explain the framework I have defined to assist my self-learning. I list the tools that help me to learn.…
#sdl , #frameworks , #wins , #insights , #systemsDon't Make All Mistakes; Learn From Other's - We can't learn from our mistakes because we, as humans in general, are averse dissecting them. So let's learn from other's mistakes.…
#problem-solving , #insights38 Lessons - I look back at what I learned, one lesson for each year I have spent in the journey.…
#insightsDocumenting Your Decisions - Always document the context of a decision. You'll be surprised how this one activity can improve your decision making capability in the long term.…
#coach , #sdl , #problem-solving , #wins , #insights , #decisionmakingHow To Get The Feedback That You Deserve - Obtaining feedback is critical to designing products that stand the test of time. But getting meaningful feedback isn't easy.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsGet Over Your Fears, For They Are Just Imaginary - Learn to separate lies from facts; then, reject the lies and work hard and smart to turn the facts to our favor.…
#insights , #luckLearning Phases And Its Support Systems - Do you have a disciplined and structured routine to become an expert?…
#sdl , #systems , #wins , #insightsChallenges In 'Consume' Phase Of Learning - To learn successfully, you need to learn from authentic sources with a structure. Challenge is in discovering these sources and framing a structure.…
#systems , #sdl , #wins , #insightsAre You Learning A New Domain? Visit Its Zoo - If you are learning about a new domain, learn about its individual entities well before jumping into its ecosystem.…
#sdl , #systems , #wins , #insightsIgnorant Of Many Things - There are three types of ignorance - should know but don't know, better to know but don't know, don't care to know, so don't know.…
#opinion , #sdl , #insightsWho Wins - Jack or The Hammer Man? - Widen your knowledge rather than develop a narrow vision.…
#insightsDo Credentials Matter? - One's credentials do not guarantee success; it's their attitude that makes or breaks a venture.…
#coach , #sdl , #wins , #insightsWhen To Listen To Your Critics? - You better listen to critics. But not when you ideate.…
#coach , #startup , #insights , #gwradioBest Of Jan Reads - Thinking in ratios and doing things together may turn out to be the best tips of this year.…
#insightsHow I Use Twitter As A Learning Tool? - Of all the social media platforms, Twitter stands-out as a great place to discover and discuss ideas. Use it.…
#sdl , #wins , #insights , #consumeStriking a balance - Is striking a balance always right?…
#insightsTop Ten Articles Read In February - February was a month for consumption. I read a lot. I'm listing the top 10 blog-posts with key-points.…
#insightsBig Ideas From Peter Theil - Seven big challenging ideas from Peter Theil, Paypal founder…
#coach , #startup , #insightsParanoid is ok; Paralysis is not ok - As I build my new company, I will find myself in novel situations. I may become uncertain, nervous and sweaty. Yet, never should I become paralysed. It will destroy everything I build.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsFive Insights From Successful Indian Entrepreneurs - Inspiration from those who ran before me.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsInsights From Startup Expo @ ISB, Mohali - A crash course on everything startups need to know.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsPowerful Words That Transformed My Worldview In 2014 - Some words have magic in them. They pop out of screens and alter our perspectives permanently. An article by Allison Vesterfelt did exactly that.…
#insightsSurviving hard times - Notes from interactive session at TiE, Chandigarh with Mahavir Sharma, Serial Entrepreneur & Trustee, TiE, Global…
#coach , #startup , #insightsEntrepreneurship is a metamorphosis, not a baptism - When I was an employee, I used to think that being an entrepreneur is much like an employee, only with added responsibilities. Now that I am an entrepreneur, I realize how foolish I was.…
#coach , #startup , #insightsHave you chosen well? - When all is lost, memories and meaning will stay. That is a good enough for me.…
#insightsWhat small IT businesses can learn from Mary Meeker's trends report - Since 2001, Mary Meeker has been releasing annual internet trends report. This year report is full of insights that small IT business can use.…
#coach , #insights , #winsAfter 300 blog posts... - Through 12 years and 300 posts, blogging has become an integral part of me. It has been a rewarding journey.…
#blogging , #insightsBest of what I consumed in 2018 Q1 - Key points from the videos, articles, books, and audio books I consumed in 2018 Q1.…
#wins , #insights , #retroHow to think structurally? - Learning how to think is the best intellectual asset you can build for yourself. Here is one framework to help you.…
#coach , #sdl , #frameworks , #systems , #wins , #insightsAbstractions are useful, if you know the context - All abstractions are useful within a context. This is true in life as much as in technology.…
#tech , #coach , #insights , #winsI coded for a year. Here are ten lessons - Streaks are good, especially if you love it.…
#produce , #sdl , #insightsTopics that interest me now - Deriving inspiration from a tweet by Jeff Morris Jr., here are the topics that interest me now.…
#insights , #sdlHow to find trends in your industry - Internet is an open gold mine if you know how to use it.…
#coach , #startup , #wins , #insightsHow To Find Awesome Twitter Users To Follow - Step by step guide for finding curious twitter users from whom you can learn…
#wins , #insights , #sdlPrinciples trump processes - If you want to last longer in a field with respect, focus on fundamental principles governing it…
#wins , #insights , #coachAuthors who shaped my thinking before I turned 18 - What you read when you are young has more impact than you imagine…
#wins , #insights , #sdlOne decision instead of hundred decisions - Lead decisions remove cognitive frictions so we can play at optimal speed and effectiveness.…
#wins , #coach , #frameworks , #insights , #decisionmakingHow to avoid failures with thirty percent feedback? - Nail the overall strategy before scaling an idea…
#wins , #frameworks , #insights , #coach , #visualLanguage Shapes Your World - Learn more than one language, to carve a better worldview…
#coach , #insightsHow to find your element? - Finding your Element is a quest to explore what lies within you; and opportunities in the world around you…
#wins , #insights , #videoHow to become a writing LION? - A simple formula to make you a better writer…
#wins , #networking , #insights , #gwshowIntentional Imbalance - There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences - Jack Welch…
#wins , #insightsStructured Communication - Let your listeners do their awesome work…
#wins , #biz , #insights , #systemsWinning With Ideas - Your ideas have to satisfy two criteria to be winnable ideas…
#wins , #insightsSeason and situation for every advice - You need specific idea not a generic one…
#wins , #coach , #insightsAre we even looking at the same thing? - Looking at the same scene and coming to a different insight from others…
#coach , #insights , #wins , #visualHow the Bible shaped my thinking? - If a book doesn’t change your mindset you have wasted your money in buying it and time in reading it.…
#faith , #insights , #coachIn an Uncertain World, Be a Fox to Innovate and Thrive - If you want to succeed as an executive, be like a fox - a multi-disciplinary thinker…
#wins , #systems , #insights2024 Week Notes - Collection of weekly reflection from 2024 covering family milestones, tech projects, and spiritual growth.…
#retro , #insights2025 Week Notes - Collection of weekly reflection in 2025 covering tech notes, business insights, homeschooling milestones, and spiritual growth.…
#retro , #insightsTake notes the way our brains work - Notes are a life hack: low stakes, high value for learning. Ditch outdated school-style notes! Take notes like your brain works—interconnected & evolving…
#video , #sdl , #insightsConfidence is the first step to having a life you need - Act with confidence even when there's a big gap between what you can offer and what's being asked.…
#insights , #coach , #action