You don't gain anything by reading books - Take one idea. Make it your own. Better than speed-reading 52 books a year.…
#coachAll Articles I've Written So Far...
Naveen Samala on 'Benefits of podcasting' - If you are thinking of starting a podcast, listen to this episode.…
#gwradioStress is not pressure - Pressure is good. Stress is not. You grow with pressure; You break with stress.…
#gwradioRahul Chauhan on 'Learning from Annual Reports' - How to identify good management with annual reports…
#gwradio , #wealthGravitas WINS Radio interviews categorized by theme - If you want to build gravitas and attract luck, this show is for you.…
#Rishi Jiwan Gupta on 'Financial planning for a meaningful retirement' - Time + Cash = better retirement…
#gwradio , #wealthNo hobby is an island - There are no boundaries between hobbies and work, no doors between personal and professional lives.…
#gwradio , #coachLee Launches on 'Application Development with no code and low code tools' - Low code & No code tools are becoming a category on their own. How should developers approach these tools?…
#gwradio , #techDo you have a board of advisors? - You should have a board of advisors for the same reasons that a CEO has one.…
#gwradio , #coach