Book Review – A Game Plan For Life by John Wooden - If you wish to be mentored by a meaningful life, pick up this book.…
#books , #wins , #self , #coachPosts under "self"
Writing my obituary - When we have an end in mind, we can live a potent life rather than a palatable one…
#wins , #self , #coachAre you principled or just plain stupid? - We are all hypocrites. Only degree varies.…
#coach , #wins , #selfIs life a battle or a blessing? - I'm still learning to adjust to pain and growth happening at once.…
#wins , #selfYou Matter; You Don't Matter - You don't matter to 99.99999% of the world's population. At the same time, you are extremely important to a small group of people.…
#wins , #self , #networkingGreen grass stain on Steve Jobs' shoes - Are you obsessing over the right things?…
#wins , #self , #coach , #productivityManjula Sularia on 'Life Skills for Personal and Professional Success' - To thrive in our careers, we need more than the technical skills. What are those skills? Let us find out in this episode.…
#gwradio , #wins , #selfHow to have a healthy relation with your siblings and why it matters? - Steps to strengthen sibling bond well past childhood…
#self , #winsLife is more about depth than length - Don’t wait for a future time to do all the good. Start today to have a deeper and richer life.…
#wins , #selfHappy 75th Birthday Ma - Her life stands as a testament to the power of hard work and faith in uplifting not only oneself but also one's family.…
#parenting , #selfEulogy for my mother - My mother passed away on 14th March 2024. I delivered this eulogy at her funeral.…
#parenting , #selfLessons from mourning - A cord of multi-strands is not quickly broken and other lessons from mourning for my mother.…
#self , #parentingGod's Army - Believers as Ambassadors of God's Kingdom on Earth - Embrace your role as an ambassador of His kingdom, protecting values and spreading His message with spiritual armor like humility, generosity, and being a salt.…
#self , #faithYou can’t optimize your way to being a good person - Morality is messy; Embracing imperfection like ‘satisficing’ leads to a richer human life…
#self , #decisionmaking