Documenting Your Decisions - Always document the context of a decision. You'll be surprised how this one activity can improve your decision making capability in the long term.…
#coach , #sdl , #problem-solving , #wins , #insights , #decisionmakingPosts under "decisionmaking"
One decision instead of hundred decisions - Lead decisions remove cognitive frictions so we can play at optimal speed and effectiveness.…
#wins , #coach , #frameworks , #insights , #decisionmakingWhat Studying For Exams Taught Me About Decision Making - If we take process-driven decisions, in the long term, we get better results…
#wins , #coach , #decisionmakingFactors affecting the outcome of our decisions - Most of us have a simplified image of the connection between our decisions and results. We think we make decisions and we get results. It is far from reality.…
#coach , #wins , #decisionmakingYou can’t optimize your way to being a good person - Morality is messy; Embracing imperfection like ‘satisficing’ leads to a richer human life…
#self , #decisionmaking