What's on my reading list
What I'm reading currently.
I'm a voracious reader. I spend a lot (both money and time) on books. Blogs bring in a lot of flexibility and casualness to such a habit. I keep modifying my reading list according to perceived benefits.
Here are some of them:
# Management Thoughts
HBS Working Knowledge: From Harvard Business School. Academic discussions on management.
Raven's Brain: She has good information on project management. Not only that she collates pretty good articles on project management too.
Scottberkun.com: Scott Berkun's The Art of Project Management is a must-read for all project managers. His web page is a collection of information on his books and essays.
# Technical
Grey Sparling PeopleSoft Expert's Corner: I'm from Vantive world who moved on to Peoplesoft world. I don't develop in Peoplesoft but manage two projects (with some excellent team leads) in Peoplesoft. Tips from Grey Sparling helps me understand Peoplesoft little better.
The Django community aggregator: I've recently started with Django, a web framework in Python. I find Django easy to learn and Python easy to code. Hopefully I can develop some decent, useful applications in Django. I already developed SOL, a Twitter clone for our department use.
Joel on Software: I'm not sure if this should be under Technical or under Management, because Joel speaks authoritatively on both topics. Whatever be the topic, his articles are very informative of the subject.
programming: what's new online: Reddit's collection of articles of interest on Programming. These articles are rated socially and hence generally worth reading.
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen: I stumbled on Scott Hanselman's blog while looking for useful tools. He not only blogs about useful utilities but about .NET as well.
LinkedIn Answers: Technology: Related to LinkedIn Management Answers. I don't find this discussion forum that useful like the other one. Yet, time to time I get some valuable tips from this forum.
# Indian blogs
Just a little something:I envy Anita's photography skills and admire her nomadic spirit. Every time I see one of her photos, I wish to shoot like that. I visited her Photography Exhibition too.
Under: #sdl , #consume