Tamanna Sharma on 'Your Roadmap To A Career In Data Science' - In order to thrive in the field of Data Science, you need a lot more than just Python and statistics knowledge.…
#gwradio , #coach , #wins , #careerPosts under "career"
Tamizhvendan on 'Teaching software fundamentals in Tamil' - If India has to grow beyond metros, we need to teach software and business fundamentals in regional language.…
#gwradio , #careerEmbracing GenAI: A Three Point Guide to Thriving in the Age of GenAI - Discover how to navigate the AI revolution with confidence. Learn from 30 years of tech experience on adapting to change, avoiding common pitfalls, and turning disruption into opportunity.…
#aieconomy , #career , #coachInformal guidelines for running a link blog - Co-creator of Django framework on why and how he maintains his link blog…
#writing , #branding , #career