Rajesh Madan on 'How to build a thriving Community'

Learn from Rajesh who has built successful online and offline communities

We learn and grow when we are part of communities. But growing communities is not easy. I have been part of a community that Rajesh has built. There is fun, learning, and sharing all under the vigilant eyes of Rajesh. In this episode, Rajesh shares his experiences on building communities.

# What you'll learn

  • What were the inspirations for Rajesh to build communities?
  • What kind of communities you should build?
  • What are differences between online and offline communities?
  • How to grow a community keeping the rules but also enthusiasm of the members?
  • What are the benefits of building communities?

Community building with Rajesh Madan

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Have a life of WINS.

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Under: #gwradio , #networking