If I play good cricket, I don't need PR
Play your best game, focus on what matters, and impress your wife..
I am not a cricket fan but have always admired Dhoni for his exceptional leadership skills in the IPL. He set high standards for his team and demanded even more from himself.
I have fancied myself in many situations like what Dhoni would behave. I've not gone wrong in those moments. So I listen to his interviews with great interest.
Recently he spoke with Eurogrip. He said,
If I play good cricket, I don't need PR.
Only a confident, skillful player can say that. As Dhoni says further in the interview, focusing on PR could become a distraction that drags your performance.
But Dhoni doesn’t just focus on his own game—he elevates the entire team. When you consistently deliver excellence, social media and PR naturally take a back seat.
His advice? Play the best game you can. Don’t worry too much about social media.
What stands out most is Dhoni’s humility. Toward the end of the interview, the host asked him about the best compliment he’s ever received. His response was classic Dhoni:
My wife saying you've done all right in life. That's a big compliment.
And goes on to say with a smile,
We all are trying to impress our wives
That is what I love about this man. He plays his best game—not for fame, not for accolades—but to impress his wife. That’s the kind of person I want to be.