Dr Deborah Thomson on 'One Health And Science Communication'

How to communicate complex subjects like climate change to kids, public, and politicians. Also how environment and animals are deeply connected to our well being.

  • What are the rules for leading a conversation on controversial subject?
  • How Dr Deborah used these principles to communicate science?
  • How talking to kids and toastmasters helped Dr Deborah sharpen her communication skills
  • How to build trust while communicating controversial subjects?
  • What is one health and why does it matter?
  • Since Covid hit every country's economy, will political leaders take one health seriously?
  • What measures can we, as common people, play in build one health?
  • What are the qualities of leaders you admire?
  • What is your definition of living a good life?
  • What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?

# Connect with Dr. Deborah

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Have a life of WINS.

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